Richard Heller

300 4211 MONARCH WAY
NORFOLK, 23508

Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, University of South Florida, (1989)

M.S. in Medical Sciences, University of South Florida, (1988)

M.S. in Health Sciences, Long Island University - C.W. Post Center, (1984)

B.S. in Microbiology, Oregon State University, (1979)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Heller, R. "Efficient Delivery of Plasmid DNA to Achieve Appropriate Transgene Expression" $1,814,917. Federal. April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2020
Heller, R., Guo, S. and Schoenbach, K. H. "Thermal Assisted Gene Electro transfer to the Skin" $1,377,000. Federal. May 1, 2015 - February 28, 2019
Heller, R. "Development of an Interference Electroporation Device to Improve Targeted Cell Permeabilization During Cancer Treatment Therapies" $156,000. Federal. September 18, 2014 - September 17, 2016
"Thermally Assisted nsPEF Ablation" $344,250. Private. March 13, 2015 - June 12, 2016
Heller, R. "Biomarker Driven Optimization of IL-12 Gene Electrotransfer for the Treatment of Melanoma" $585,000. State. December 1, 2014 - May 31, 2016


Gene Therapy; Cancer research; Cardiovascular research; Vaccines


Guo, S., Burcus, N., Lassiter, B., Tanaz, R., Heller, R. and Beebe, S. J. (2018). Nano鈥恜ulse stimulation induces potent immune responses, eradicating local breast cancer while reducing distant metastases. International Journal of Cancer 142 (629-640).
Savarin, M., Kamensek, U., Cemazar, M., Heller, R. and Sersa, G. (2017). Electrotransfer of plasmid DNA radiosensitizes B16F10 tumors through activation of immune response. Radiology and oncology 51 (1) , pp. 30--39.
Potter, H. and Heller, R. (2017). Transfection by Electroporation. Current Protocols in Immunology.
Edelblute, C., Heller, L., Malik, M. A., Bulysheva, A. and Heller, R. Plasma activated air mediates plasmid DNA delivery in vivo. Molecular Therapy:Methods and Clinical Development 3 , pp. 7.
Bulysheva, A., Burcus, N., Lundberg, C., Edelblute, C., Francis, M. and Heller, R. Recellularized human dermis for testing gene electro transfer ex vivo. Biomedical Materials 11 (3) , pp. 9.
Donate, A., Bulysheva, A., Edelblute, C., Jung, D., Malik, M. A., Guo, S., Burcus, N., Schoenbach, K. H. and Heller, R. Thermal assisted in vivo gene electrotransfer. Current Gene Therapy 16 (2) , pp. 83-89.
Bulysheva, A., Hargrave, B., Burcus, N., Lundberg, C., Murray, L. and Heller, R. Vascular endothelial growth factor-A gene electro transfer promotes angiogenesis in a porcine model of cardiac ischemia. Gene Therapy.
Malik, M. A., Jiang, C., Heller, R., Lane, J., Hughes, D. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2015). Ozone-free niric oxide production using an atmospheric pressure surface discharge 鈥 A way to minimize nitrogen dioxide co-production. Chemical Engineering Journal 283 (631-638).
Edelblute, C., Heller, L., Malik, M. A. and Heller, R. (2015). Activated air produced by shielded sliding discharge plasma mediates plasmid DNA delivery to mammalian cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 112 (12) , pp. 2583-2590.
Shirley, S., Lundberg, C., Li, F., Burcus, N. and Heller, R. (2015). Controlled Gene Delivery Enhances Therapeutic Outcome for cancer Immune Therapy. Current Gene Therapy 15 , pp. 32-43.
Malik, M. A., Hughes, D., Heller, R. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2015). Surface plasmas versus volume plasmas 鈥 energy deposition and ozone generation in air and oxygen. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 35 (4) , pp. 697-704.
Heller, R. and Heller, L. (2015). Gene electrotransfer clinical trials.. Advances in genetics 89 , pp. 235-62.
Hargrave, B., Strange, Jr., R., Navarre, S., Stratton, M., Burcus, N., Murray, L., Lundberg, C., Bulysheva, A., Li, F. and Heller, R. (2014). Gene Electro transfer of plasmid encoding VEGF For Enhanced Expression and Perfusion in the Ischemic Swine Heart. Plos One 9 (12) , pp. e115235.
Guo, S., Jackson, D., Burcus, N., Chen, Y., Xiao, S. and Heller, R. (2014). Gene electrotransfer enhanced by nanosecond pulsed electric fields. Molecular Therapy:Methods and Clinical Development 1 , pp. 14043.
Donate, A., Burcus, N., Schoenbach, K. H. and Heller, R. (2014). Application of increased temperature from an exogenous source to enhance gene electrotransfer. Bioelectrochemistry 103 , pp. 120-123.
Chen, R., Sain, N., harlow, T., Chen, Y., Shires, P., Heller, R. and Beebe, S. J. (2014). A protective effect after clearance of orthotopic rat hepatocellular carcinoma by nanosecond pulsed electric fields.. European Journal of Cancer 50 (15) , pp. 2705-2713.
Malik, M. A., Schoenbach, K. H. and Heller, R. (2014). Coupled surface dielectric barrier discharge reactor-ozone synthesis and nitric oxide conversion from air. Chemical Engineering Journal 256 , pp. 222-229.
Basu, G., Downey, H., Guo, S., Israel, A., Asmar, A., Hargrave, B. and Heller, R. (2014). Prevention of distal flap necrosis in a rat random flap model by gene electrotransfer delivering VEGF165 plasmid. J. Gene Medicine 16 (3-4) , pp. 55-65.
Bao, X., Malik, M. A., Norton, D., Neculaes, V., Schoenbach, K. H., Heller, R., Siclovan, O., Corah, S., Caiafa, A. and Inzinna, L. (2014). Shielded sliding discharge-assisted hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction of NOx over Ag/Al2O3 catalysts using diesel as a reductant. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 34 , pp. 825-836.
Miklavcic, D., Mali, B., Kos, B., Heller, R. and Sersa, G. (2014). Electrochemotherapy: from the drawing board into medical practice. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 13 , pp. 29.
Malik, M. A., Jiang, C., Dhali, S. K., Heller, R. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2014). Coupled Sliding Discharges: A Scalable Nonthermal Plasma System Utilizing Positive and Negative Streamers on Opposite Sides of a Dielectric Layer. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 34 , pp. 871-886.
Donate, A. and Heller, R. (2013). Assessment of delivery parameters with the multi-electrode array for development of a DNA vaccine against Bacillus anthracis. Bioelectrochemistry 94C , pp. 1-6.
Marrero, B., Shirley, S. and Heller, R. (2013). Delivery of Interleukin-15 to B16 Melanoma by Electroporation Leads to Tumor Regression and Long-term Survival. Technology in cancer research & treatment.
Hargrave, B., Downey, H., Strange, Jr., R., Murray, L., Cinnamond, C., Lundberg, C., Israel, A., Chen, Y., Marshall, Jr., W. and Heller, R. (2013). Electroporation-mediated gene transfer directly to the swine heart. Gene therapy 20 (2) , pp. 151-7.
Guo, S., Israel, A., Basu, G., Donate, A. and Heller, R. (2013). Topical gene electrotransfer to the epidermis by non-invasive multielectrode array. Plos One 8 (8) , pp. e73423.
Marrero, B. and Heller, R. (2012). The use of an in vitro 3D melanoma model to predict in vivo plasmid transfection using electroporation. Biomaterials 33 (10) , pp. 3036-46.
Guo, S., Donate, A., Basu, G., Lundberg, C., Heller, L. and Heller, R. (2011). Electro-gene transfer to skin using a noninvasive multielectrode array. Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society 151 (3) , pp. 256-62.
Heller, R., Shirley, S., Guo, S., Donate, A. and Heller, L. (2011). Electroporation based gene therapy鈥揻rom the bench to the bedside. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 2011 , pp. 736-8.
Donate, A., Coppola, D., Cruz, Y. and Heller, R. (2011). Evaluation of a novel non-penetrating electrode for use in DNA vaccination. PloS one 6 (4) , pp. e19181.
Ferraro, B., Heller, L., Cruz, Y. L.., Guo, S., Donate, A. and Heller, R. (2011). Evaluation of delivery conditions for cutaneous plasmid electrotransfer using a multielectrode array. Gene therapy 18 (5) , pp. 496-500.
Xiao, S., Guo, S., Nesin, V., Heller, R. and Schoenbach, K. H. (2011). Subnanosecond electric pulses cause membrane permeabilization and cell death. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 58 (5) , pp. 1239-45.
Potter, H. and Heller, R. (2011). Transfection by electroporation. Current protocols in cell biology / editorial board, Juan S. Bonifacino ... [et al.] Chapter 20 , pp. Unit20 5.
Potter, H. and Heller, R. (2011). Transfection by electroporation. Current protocols in neuroscience / editorial board, Jacqueline N. Crawley ... [et al.] Appendix 1 , pp. 1E.
Muthumani, K., Lambert, V. M.., Kawalekar, O., Heller, R., Kim, J. J.., Weiner, D. B.. and Ugen, K. E.. (2010). Anti-cancer activity of the HIV accessory molecule viral protein R (Vpr): Delivery as a DNA expression plasmid or biologically active peptides. Vaccine 28 (8) , pp. 2005-10.
Heller, R., Cruz, Y., Heller, L., Gilbert, R. A.. and Jaroszeski, M. J.. (2010). Electrically mediated delivery of plasmid DNA to the skin, using a multielectrode array. Human gene therapy 21 (3) , pp. 357-62.
Heller, L. and Heller, R. (2010). Electroporation gene therapy preclinical and clinical trials for melanoma. Current gene therapy 10 (4) , pp. 312-7.
Marshall, Jr., W. G.., Boone, B. A.., Burgos, J. D.., Gografe, S. I.., Baldwin, M. K.., Danielson, M. L.., Larson, M. J.., Caretto, D. R.., Cruz, Y., Ferraro, B., Heller, L., Ugen, K. E.., Jaroszeski, M. J.. and Heller, R. (2010). Electroporation-mediated delivery of a naked DNA plasmid expressing VEGF to the porcine heart enhances protein expression. Gene therapy 17 (3) , pp. 419-23.
Ferraro, B., Cruz, Y. L.., Baldwin, M., Coppola, D. and Heller, R. (2010). Increased perfusion and angiogenesis in a hindlimb ischemia model with plasmid FGF-2 delivered by noninvasive electroporation. Gene therapy 17 (6) , pp. 763-9.
Heller, L., Cruz, Y. L.., Ferraro, B., Yang, H. and Heller, R. (2010). Plasmid injection and application of electric pulses alter endogenous mRNA and protein expression in B16.F10 mouse melanomas. Cancer gene therapy 17 (12) , pp. 864-71.
Potter, H. and Heller, R. (2010). Transfection by electroporation. Current protocols in molecular biology / edited by Frederick M. Ausubel ... [et al.] Chapter 9 , pp. Unit9 3.
Muthumani, K., Lambert, V. M.., Sardesai, N. Y.., Kim, J. J.., Heller, R., Weiner, D. B.. and Ugen, K. E.. (2009). Analysis of the potential for HIV-1 Vpr as an anti-cancer agent. Current HIV research 7 (2) , pp. 144-52.
Bodles-Brakhop, A. M.., Heller, R. and Draghia-Akli, R. (2009). Electroporation for the delivery of DNA-based vaccines and immunotherapeutics: current clinical developments. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 17 (4) , pp. 585-92.
Marrero, B., Messina, J. L.. and Heller, R. (2009). Generation of a tumor spheroid in a microgravity environment as a 3D model of melanoma. In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal 45 (9) , pp. 523-34.
Ferraro, B., Cruz, Y. L.., Coppola, D. and Heller, R. (2009). Intradermal delivery of plasmid VEGF(165) by electroporation promotes wound healing. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 17 (4) , pp. 651-7.
Heller, L., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Coppola, D. and Heller, R. (2008). Comparison of electrically mediated and liposome-complexed plasmid DNA delivery to the skin. Genetic vaccines and therapy 6 , pp. 16.
Daud, A. I.., DeConti, R. C.., Andrews, S., Urbas, P., Riker, A. I.., Sondak, V. K.., Munster, P. N.., Sullivan, D. M.., Ugen, K. E.., Messina, J. L.. and Heller, R. (2008). Phase I trial of interleukin-12 plasmid electroporation in patients with metastatic melanoma. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 26 (36) , pp. 5896-903.
Hickey, J. D.., Heller, L., Heller, R. and Gilbert, R. (2007). Electric field mediated DNA motion model. Bioelectrochemistry 70 (1) , pp. 101-3.
McCray, A. N.., Ugen, K. E.. and Heller, R. (2007). Enhancement of anti-melanoma activity of a plasmid expressing HIV-1 Vpr delivered through in vivo electroporation. Cancer biology & therapy 6 (8) , pp. 1269-75.
Lagor, W. R.., Heller, R., de Groh, E. D.. and Ness, G. C.. (2007). Functional analysis of the hepatic HMG-CoA reductase promoter by in vivo electroporation. Experimental biology and medicine 232 (3) , pp. 353-61.
Heller, L., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Coppola, D., McCray, A. N.., Hickey, J. and Heller, R. (2007). Optimization of cutaneous electrically mediated plasmid DNA delivery using novel electrode. Gene therapy 14 (3) , pp. 275-80.
McCray, A. N.., Ugen, K. E.., Muthumani, K., Kim, J. J.., Weiner, D. B.. and Heller, R. (2006). Complete regression of established subcutaneous B16 murine melanoma tumors after delivery of an HIV-1 Vpr-expressing plasmid by in vivo electroporation. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 14 (5) , pp. 647-55.
Heller, L., Merkler, K., Westover, J., Cruz, Y., Coppola, D., Benson, K., Daud, A. and Heller, R. (2006). Evaluation of toxicity following electrically mediated interleukin-12 gene delivery in a B16 mouse melanoma model. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 12 (10) , pp. 3177-83.
Heller, L. and Heller, R. (2006). In vivo electroporation for gene therapy. Human gene therapy 17 (9) , pp. 890-7.
Ugen, K. E.., Kutzler, M. A.., Marrero, B., Westover, J., Coppola, D., Weiner, D. B.. and Heller, R. (2006). Regression of subcutaneous B16 melanoma tumors after intratumoral delivery of an IL-15-expressing plasmid followed by in vivo electroporation. Cancer gene therapy 13 (10) , pp. 969-74.
Heller, L., Ugen, K. and Heller, R. (2005). Electroporation for targeted gene transfer. Expert opinion on drug delivery 2 (2) , pp. 255-68.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Heller, L., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (2004). Electrically mediated plasmid DNA delivery to solid tumors in vivo. Methods in molecular biology 245 , pp. 237-44.
Wang, T., Niu, G., Kortylewski, M., Burdelya, L., Shain, K., Zhang, S., Bhattacharya, R., Gabrilovich, D., Heller, R., Coppola, D., Dalton, W., Jove, R., Pardoll, D. and Yu, H. (2004). Regulation of the innate and adaptive immune responses by Stat-3 signaling in tumor cells. Nature medicine 10 (1) , pp. 48-54.
Ugen, K. E.. and Heller, R. (2003). Electroporation as a method for the efficient in vivo delivery of therapeutic genes. DNA and cell biology 22 (12) , pp. 753.
Lucas, M. L.. and Heller, R. (2003). IL-12 gene therapy using an electrically mediated nonviral approach reduces metastatic growth of melanoma. DNA and cell biology 22 (12) , pp. 755-63.
Niu, G., Wright, K. L.., Huang, M., Song, L., Haura, E., Turkson, J., Zhang, S., Wang, T., Sinibaldi, D., Coppola, D., Heller, R., Ellis, L. M.., Karras, J., Bromberg, J., Pardoll, D., Jove, R. and Yu, H. (2002). Constitutive Stat3 activity up-regulates VEGF expression and tumor angiogenesis. Oncogene 21 (13) , pp. 2000-8.
Heller, L., Ingram, S. F.., Lucas, M. L.., Gilbert, R. A.. and Heller, R. (2002). Effect of electrically mediated intratumor and intramuscular delivery of a plasmid encoding IFN alpha on visible B16 mouse melanomas. Technology in cancer research & treatment 1 (3) , pp. 205-9.
Heller, R., Coppola, D., Pottinger, C., Gilbert, R. and Jaroszeski, M. J.. (2002). Effect of electrochemotherapy on muscle and skin. Technology in cancer research & treatment 1 (5) , pp. 385-92.
Gilbert, R., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Heller, L. and Heller, R. (2002). Electric field enhanced plasmid delivery to liver hepatocellular carcinomas. Technology in cancer research & treatment 1 (5) , pp. 355-64.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Coppola, D., Pottinger, C., Gilbert, R. A.. and Heller, R. (2002). Electrochemotherapy for the treatment of human sarcoma in athymic rats. Technology in cancer research & treatment 1 (5) , pp. 393-9.
Lucas, M. L.., Heller, L., Coppola, D. and Heller, R. (2002). IL-12 plasmid delivery by in vivo electroporation for the successful treatment of established subcutaneous B16.F10 melanoma. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 5 (6) , pp. 668-75.
Heller, R. (2002). Overview of electroporation. Technology in cancer research & treatment 1 (5) , pp. 317-8.
Heller, R. (2002). The development of electroporation. Science 295 (5553) , pp. 277.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Coppola, D., Nesmith, G., Pottinger, C., Hyacinthe, M., Benson, K., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (2001). Effects of electrochemotherapy with bleomycin on normal liver tissue in a rat model. European journal of cancer 37 (3) , pp. 414-21.
Lucas, M. L.. and Heller, R. (2001). Immunomodulation by electrically enhanced delivery of plasmid DNA encoding IL-12 to murine skeletal muscle. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 3 (1) , pp. 47-53.
Lucas, M. L.., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (2001). In vivo electroporation using an exponentially enhanced pulse: a new waveform. DNA and cell biology 20 (3) , pp. 183-8.
Heller, R., Schultz, J., Lucas, M. L.., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Heller, L., Gilbert, R. A.., Moelling, K. and Nicolau, C. (2001). Intradermal delivery of interleukin-12 plasmid DNA by in vivo electroporation. DNA and cell biology 20 (1) , pp. 21-6.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Coppola, D., Pottinger, C., Benson, K., Gilbert, R. A.. and Heller, R. (2001). Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in a rat model using electrochemotherapy. European journal of cancer 37 (3) , pp. 422-30.
Heller, R., Gilbert, R. and Jaroszeski, M. J.. (2000). Clinical trials for solid tumors using electrochemotherapy. Methods in molecular medicine 37 , pp. 137-56.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R., Nicolau, C. and Heller, R. (2000). Delivery of genes in vivo using pulsed electric fields. Methods in molecular medicine 37 , pp. 173-86.
Heller, L., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Coppola, D., Pottinger, C., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (2000). Electrically mediated plasmid DNA delivery to hepatocellular carcinomas in vivo. Gene therapy 7 (10) , pp. 826-9.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R., Nicolau, C. and Heller, R. (2000). Electrically mediated reporter gene transfer into normal rat liver tissue. Methods in molecular medicine 37 , pp. 333-8.
Gilbert, R., Jaroszeski, M. J.. and Heller, R. (2000). Electrochemotherapy for the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma in a rat model. Methods in molecular medicine 37 , pp. 299-303.
Heller, R., Gilbert, R. and Jaroszeski, M. J.. (2000). Electrochemotherapy of murine melanoma using intratumor drug administration. Methods in molecular medicine 37 , pp. 253-7.
Heller, L., Pottinger, C., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (2000). In vivo electroporation of plasmids encoding GM-CSF or interleukin-2 into existing B16 melanomas combined with electrochemotherapy induces long-term antitumour immunity. Melanoma research 10 (6) , pp. 577-83.
Somiari, S., Glasspool-Malone, J., Drabick, J. J.., Gilbert, R. A.., Heller, R., Jaroszeski, M. J.. and Malone, R. W.. (2000). Theory and in vivo application of electroporative gene delivery. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 2 (3) , pp. 178-87.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Dang, V., Pottinger, C., Hickey, J., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (2000). Toxicity of anticancer agents mediated by electroporation in vitro. Anti-cancer drugs 11 (3) , pp. 201-8.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (2000). Treatment of liver malignancies with electrochemotherapy in a rat model. Methods in molecular medicine 37 , pp. 319-26.
Heller, R., Gilbert, R. and Jaroszeski, M. J.. (1999). Clinical applications of electrochemotherapy. Advanced drug delivery reviews 35 (1) , pp. 119-129.
Hyacinthe, M., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Dang, V. V.., Coppola, D., Karl, R. C.., Gilbert, R. A.. and Heller, R. (1999). Electrically enhanced drug delivery for the treatment of soft tissue sarcoma. Cancer 85 (2) , pp. 409-17.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Illingworth, P., Pottinger, C., Hyacinthe, M. and Heller, R. (1999). Electrically mediated drug delivery for treating subcutaneous and orthotopic pancreatic adenocarcinoma in a hamster model. Anticancer research 19 (2A) , pp. 989-94.
Niu, G., Heller, R., Catlett-Falcone, R., Coppola, D., Jaroszeski, M., Dalton, W., Jove, R. and Yu, H. (1999). Gene therapy with dominant-negative Stat3 suppresses growth of the murine melanoma B16 tumor in vivo. Cancer research 59 (20) , pp. 5059-63.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R., Nicolau, C. and Heller, R. (1999). In vivo gene delivery by electroporation. Advanced drug delivery reviews 35 (1) , pp. 131-137.
Mir, L. M.., Glass, L. F.., Sersa, G., Teissie, J., Domenge, C., Miklavcic, D., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Orlowski, S., Reintgen, D. S.., Rudolf, Z., Belehradek, M., Gilbert, R., Rols, M. P.., Belehradek, Jr., J., Bachaud, J. M.., DeConti, R., Stabuc, B., Cemazar, M., Coninx, P. and Heller, R. (1998). Effective treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous malignant tumours by electrochemotherapy. British journal of cancer 77 (12) , pp. 2336-42.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (1998). Flow cytometric detection and quantitation of cell-cell electrofusion products. Methods in molecular biology 91 , pp. 149-56.
Heller, R., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Reintgen, D. S.., Puleo, C. A.., DeConti, R. C.., Gilbert, R. A.. and Glass, L. F.. (1998). Treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous tumors with electrochemotherapy using intralesional bleomycin. Cancer 83 (1) , pp. 148-57.
Heller, R., Jaroszeski, M., Perrott, R., Messina, J. and Gilbert, R. (1997). Effective treatment of B16 melanoma by direct delivery of bleomycin using electrochemotherapy. Melanoma research 7 (1) , pp. 10-8.
Heller, R., Gilbert, R. and Jaroszeski, M. J.. (1997). Electrochemotherapy: an emerging drug delivery method for the treatment of cancer. Advanced drug delivery reviews 26 (2-3) , pp. 185-197.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R. A.. and Heller, R. (1997). In vivo antitumor effects of electrochemotherapy in a hepatoma model. Biochimica et biophysica acta 1334 (1) , pp. 15-8.
Gilbert, R. A.., Jaroszeski, M. J.. and Heller, R. (1997). Novel electrode designs for electrochemotherapy. Biochimica et biophysica acta 1334 (1) , pp. 9-14.
Glass, L. F.., Fenske, N. A.., Jaroszeski, M., Perrott, R., Harvey, D., Reintgen, D. S.. and Heller, R. (1996). Bleomycin-mediated electrochemotherapy of basal cell carcinoma. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 34 (1) , pp. 82-6.
Glass, L. F.., Pepine, M. L.., Fenske, N. A.., Jaroszeski, M., Reintgen, D. S.. and Heller, R. (1996). Bleomycin-mediated electrochemotherapy of metastatic melanoma. Archives of dermatology 132 (11) , pp. 1353-7.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R., Perrott, R. and Heller, R. (1996). Enhanced effects of multiple treatment electrochemotherapy. Melanoma research 6 (6) , pp. 427-33.
Heller, R., Jaroszeski, M., Atkin, A., Moradpour, D., Gilbert, R., Wands, J. and Nicolau, C. (1996). In vivo gene electroinjection and expression in rat liver. FEBS letters 389 (3) , pp. 225-8.
Heller, R., Jaroszeski, M. J.., Glass, L. F.., Messina, J. L.., Rapaport, D. P.., DeConti, R. C.., Fenske, N. A.., Gilbert, R. A.., Mir, L. M.. and Reintgen, D. S.. (1996). Phase I/II trial for the treatment of cutaneous and subcutaneous tumors using electrochemotherapy. Cancer 77 (5) , pp. 964-71.
Miliotes, G., Albertini, J., Berman, C., Heller, R., Messina, J., Glass, F., Cruse, W., Rapaport, D., Puleo, C., Fenske, N., Petsoglou, C., Deconti, R., Lyman, G. and Reintgen, D. (1996). The tumor biology of melanoma nodal metastases. The American surgeon 62 (1) , pp. 81-8.
Reintgen, D., Albertini, J., Berman, C., Cruse, C. W.., Fenske, N., Glass, L. F.., Puleo, C., Wang, X., Wells, K., Rapaport, D., DeConti, R., Messina, J. and Heller, R. (1995). Accurate Nodal Staging of Malignant Melanoma. Cancer control : journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center 2 (5) , pp. 405-414.
Mir, L. M.., Orlowski, S., Belehradek, J., Teissie, J., Rols, M. P.., Sersa, G., Miklavcic, D., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (1995). Biomedical Applications of Electric Pulses with Special Emphasis on Antitumor Electrochemotherapy. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 38 (1) , pp. 203-207.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (1995). Cytometric detection and quantitation of cell-cell electrofusion products. Methods in molecular biology 48 , pp. 355-63.
Heller, R. (1995). Spectrofluorometric assay for cell-tissue electrofusion. Methods in molecular biology 48 , pp. 341-53.
Reintgen, D., Albertini, J., Miliotes, G., Berman, C., Cruse, C. W.., Fenske, N., Glass, F., Pac, C. P.., Wang, X. N.., Wells, K., Rapaport, D., Deconti, R., Messina, J. and Heller, R. (1995). The Accurate Staging and Modern-Day Treatment of Malignant-Melanoma. Cancer Research Therapy & Control 4 (3) , pp. 183-197.
Godellas, C. V.., Berman, C. G.., Lyman, G., Cruse, C. W.., Rapaport, D., Heller, R., Wang, X., Glass, F., Fenske, N., Messina, J. and et al. (1995). The identification and mapping of melanoma regional nodal metastases: minimally invasive surgery for the diagnosis of nodal metastases. The American surgeon 61 (2) , pp. 97-101.
Glass, L. F.., Fenske, N. A.., Messina, J. L.., Cruse, C. W.., Rapaport, D. P.., Berman, C., Puleo, C. A.., Heller, R., Miliotes, G., Albertini, J. and et al. (1995). The role of selective lymphadenectomy in the management of patients with malignant melanoma. Dermatologic surgery : official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et al.] 21 (11) , pp. 979-83.
Heller, R., Jaroszeski, M., Leomessina, J., Perrot, R., Vanvoorhis, N., Reintgen, D. and Gilbert, R. (1995). Treatment of B16 Mouse Melanoma with the Combination of Electropermeabilization and Chemotherapy. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 36 (1) , pp. 83-87.
Heller, R. (1995). Treatment of cutaneous nodules using electrochemotherapy. The Journal of the Florida Medical Association 82 (2) , pp. 147-50.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (1994). Detection and Quantitation of Cell-Cell Electrofusion Products by Flow-Cytometry. Analytical biochemistry 216 (2) , pp. 271-275.
Wang, X., Heller, R., VanVoorhis, N., Cruse, C. W.., Glass, F., Fenske, N., Berman, C., Leo-Messina, J., Rappaport, D., Wells, K. and et al. (1994). Detection of submicroscopic lymph node metastases with polymerase chain reaction in patients with malignant melanoma. Annals of surgery 220 (6) , pp. 768-74.
Jaroszeski, M. J.., Gilbert, R., Fallon, P. G.. and Heller, R. (1994). Mechanically facilitated cell-cell electrofusion. Biophysical journal 67 (4) , pp. 1574-81.
Reintgen, D., Cruse, C. W.., Wells, K., Berman, C., Fenske, N., Glass, F., Schroer, K., Heller, R., Ross, M., Lyman, G. and et al. (1994). The orderly progression of melanoma nodal metastases. Annals of surgery 220 (6) , pp. 759-67.
Heller, R., King, B., Baekey, P., Cruse, W. and Reintgen, D. (1993). Identification of submicroscopic lymph node metastases in patients with malignant melanoma. Seminars in surgical oncology 9 (3) , pp. 285-9.
Mcallister, E. W.., Carey, L. C.., Brady, P. G.., Heller, R. and Kovacs, S. G.. (1993). The Role of Polymeric Surface Smoothness of Biliary Stents in Bacterial Adherence, Biofilm Deposition, and Stent Occlusion. Gastrointestinal endoscopy 39 (3) , pp. 422-425.
Heller, R., Becker, J., Wasselle, J., Baekey, P., Cruse, C. W.., Cox, C., King, B., Wood, H. and Reintgen, D. S.. (1992). Detection of Occult Lymph-Node Metastases in Malignant-Melanoma. Annals of plastic surgery 28 (1) , pp. 74-77.
Heller, R. (1992). Spectrofluorometric assay for the quantitation of cell-tissue electrofusion. Analytical biochemistry 202 (2) , pp. 286-92.
Heller, R., Becker, J., Wasselle, J., Baekey, P., Cruse, W., Wells, K., Cox, C., King, B. and Reintgen, D. S.. (1991). Detection of submicroscopic lymph node metastases in patients with melanoma. Archives of surgery 126 (12) , pp. 1455-9; discussion 1459-60.
Heller, R., Becker, J., Wasselle, J., Baekey, P., Cruse, W., Wells, K., Cox, C., King, B. and Reintgen, D. S.. (1991). Detection of Submicroscopic Lymph-Node Metastases in Patients with Melanoma. Archives of surgery 126 (12) , pp. 1455-1460.
Freeman, K., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (1991). Electric-Field Distribution during Cell-Tissue Electrofusion. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 13, Pts 1-5 , pp. 950-950.
Jaroszeski, M., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (1991). Simplex Optimization Applied to Electrofusion Biotechnology. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol 13, Pts 1-5 , pp. 951-951.
Heller, R. and Grasso, R. J.. (1990). Transfer of human membrane surface components by incorporating human cells into intact animal tissue by cell-tissue electrofusion in vivo. Biochimica et biophysica acta 1024 (1) , pp. 185-8.
Heller, R. and Grasso, R. J.. (1990). Transfer of Human Membrane-Surface Components by Incorporating Human-Cells into Intact Animal Tissue by Cell-Tissue Electrofusion Invivo. Biochimica et biophysica acta 1024 (1) , pp. 185-188.
Grasso, R. J.., Heller, R., Cooley, J. C.. and Haller, E. M.. (1989). Electrofusion of individual animal cells directly to intact corneal epithelial tissue. Biochimica et biophysica acta 980 (1) , pp. 9-14.


Jaroszeski, M., Gilbert, R. and Heller, R. (2000). Electrochemotherapy, electrogenetherapy, and transdermal drug delivery. Humana Press.
Jaroszeski, M. and Heller, R. (1998). Flow Cytometry Protocols. Humana Press.

Book Chapters

Donate, A. and Heller, R. (2017). Gene transfer to the skin by physical methods of delivery Percutaneous penetration enhancers physical methods in penetration enhancement (pp. 463-484) New York, NY: Springer.
Shirley, S., Heller, L. and Heller, R. (2015). Gene Electrotransfer Gene and Cell Therapy: Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies, Fourth Edition (pp. 331-346) Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Shirley, S., Heller, R. and Heller, L. (2014). Electroporation Gene Therapy Gene Therapy of Cancer, Third Edition (pp. 93-106) Boston, MA: Elsevier.
Bigey, P., Heller, R. and Scherman, D. (2014). ELECTROTRANSFER/ELECTROPORATION FOR NON-VIRAL NUCLEIC ACID DELIVERY Gene Transfer, Gene Therapy and Genetic Pharmacology (pp. 265-286) London: Imperial College Press.
Heller, L. and Heller, R. (2011). Clinical Aspects of Electroporation Clinical Aspects of Electroporation (pp. 159-164) New York, NY: Springer.
Heller, R. (2010). Translation of electroporation-mediated DNA delivery to the clinic Advanced Electroporation Techniques in Biology and Medicine (pp. 371-383) CRC Press.
Heller, R. and Gilbert, R. (1992). Development of cell-tissue electrofusion for biological applications Guide to electroporation and electrofusion (pp. 393-410) San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Heller, R. and Gilbert, R. (1992). Model System for the Study of Gonorrhea Created by Cell-Tissue Electrofusion Charge and Field Effects in Biosystems鈥3 (pp. 417-431) Boston, MA: Birkhauser.


Xiao, S., Camp, T., Nesin, V., Pakhomov, A., Heller, R. and Schoenbach, K. H. (May 27, 2010). "Biological Cell Response to High Power Electromagnetic Pulses IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference Atlanta, GA.
  • 2007: Tampa Bay Business Journal Health Heroes , Tampa Bay Business Journal
  • 2006: Biotechnology Achievement Award, University of South Florida
  • 2005: Distinguished Service Award, Society for In Vitro Biology
  • 2004: Iwao Yasuda Award , Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine
  • 2004: Fellow Award, Society for In Vitro Biology
  • 2003: Biotechnology Achievement Award, University of South Florida
  • 1992: Robert J. Grasso Award for Outstanding Dedication to Graduate Education, University of South Florida