Mathematics & Statistics

Nail Yamaleev

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, (1993)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Yamaleev, N. "Physics-Bsd Special Collocation Mthds for Lg Eddy Simulations on Adaptive Grids" $328,601. Federal. August 31, 2017 - January 30, 2021
Yamaleev, N. K.. "Efficient iterative solutions for turbulent flows" $20,000. June 2016 - August 2016
Yamaleev, N. K.. and Shivakumar, K. "Center for Aviation Safety" $5,000,000. Federal. October 2009 - December 2015
Yamaleev, N. K.. and Shivakumar, K. "Ultra Lightweight Microsystem Mechanics" $1,575,000. Federal. March 2008 - February 2013
Yamaleev, N. "Improvements of Unstructured Finite Volume Solutions for Turbulent Flows" $115,258. Federal. February 1, 2012 - August 31, 2012
Yamaleev, N. "Adjoint-based methodology for time-dependent optimal control (AMTOC)" $1,989,269. Federal. February 12, 2007 - January 31, 2012
Yamaleev, N. "Validation of Modern CFD tools for Efficient Simulation of Synthetic Jet Actuators" $78,000. Federal. December 2003 - December 2005
Yamaleev, N. "Ultrafast Multiscale High-Order Methods for PDEs" $50,000. Federal. January 2003 - September 2003

Research Interests

Numerical PDEs, fluid dynamics


Upperman, J. First-order Positivity-preserving Entropy Stable Scheme for the 3-D compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Scientific Computing.
Upperman, J. and Yamaleev, N. (2022). Positivity-preserving Entropy Stable Schemes for the 1-D compressible Navier-Stokes equations: First-order approximation. Journal of Computational Physics 466.
Yamaleev, N. and Upperman, J. (2022). Positivity-preserving Entropy Stable Schemes for the 1-D compressible Navier-Stokes equations: High-order flux limiting. Journal of Computational Physics 466.
Upperman, J. and Yamaleev, N. K.. (2019). Entropy Stable Artificial Dissipation Based on the Brenner Regularization of the Navier-Stokes Equations. Journal Computational Physics 393 , pp. 74-91.
Yamaleev, N. K.., Del Rey Fernandez, D. C.., Lou, J. and Carpenter, M. H.. (2019). Entropy stable spectral collocation schemes for the 3-D Navier-Stokes equations on dynamic unstructured grids. Journal of Computational Physics 399.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. H.. (2017). A family of fourth-order entropy stable non-oscillatory spectral collocation schemes for the 1-D Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Computational Physics 331 , pp. 90-107.
Jones, M. and Yamaleev, N. (2016). Effect of lateral, downward, and frontal gusts on flapping wing performance. Computers & Fluids 140 , pp. 175-190.
Jones, M. and Yamaleev, N. (2015). Adjoint-based optimization of three-dimensional flapping-wing flows. AIAA Journal 53 (4) , pp. 934-947.
Fisher, T., Carpenter, M. H., Nordstrom, J. and Yamaleev, N. (2013). Discretely conservative finite-difference formulations for nonlinear conservation laws in split from: Theory and boundary conditions. Journal of Computational Physics 234 (1) , pp. 353-375.
Yamaleev, N. and Pathak, K. (2013). Nonlinear model reduction for unsteady discontinuous flows. Journal of Computational Physics 245 , pp. 1-13.
Fisher, T., Carpenter, M. H. and Yamaleev, N. (2011). Boundary closures for 4th-order Energy Stable WENO finite difference schemes. Journal of Computational Physics 230 (10) , pp. 3727-3752.
Nielsen, E., Diskin, B. and Yamaleev, N. (2010). Discrete adjoint-based design optimization of unsteady turbulent flows on dynamic unstructured grids. AIAA Journal 48 (6) , pp. 1195-1206.
Yamaleev, N., Diskin, B. and Nielsen, E. (2010). Local-in-time adjoint-based method for design optimization of unsteady compressible flows. Journal of Computational Physics 229 (14) , pp. 5395-5407.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. H. (2009). A systematic methodology for constructing high-order energy stable WENO schemes. Journal of Computational Physics 228 (11) , pp. 4248-4272.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. H. (2009). Third-order energy stable WENO scheme. Journal of Computational Physics 228 (8) , pp. 3025-3047.
Yamaleev, N. and Mohan, R. (2006). Effect of the phase transition on intra-tow flow behavior and void formation in liquid composite molding. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 32 (10) , pp. 1219-1233.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. H. (2006). Quasi-1-D model for realistic 3-D synthetic jet actuators. AIAA Journal 44 (2) , pp. 208-216.
Yamaleev, N., Carpenter, M. H. and Ferguson, F. (2005). Reduced-order model for efficient simulation of synthetic jet actuators. AIAA Journal 43 (2) , pp. 357-369.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. H. (2002). On accuracy of adaptive grid methods for captured shocks. Journal of Computational Physics 181 (1) , pp. 280-316.
Yamaleev, N. (2002). Optimal two-dimensional finite difference grids providing super-convergence. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23 (5) , pp. 1707-1730.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. H. (2001). Minimization of the truncation error by grid adaptation. Journal of Computational Physics 170 (2) , pp. 459-497.
Yamaleev, N. and Ballmann, J. (2000). Iterative space-marching method for compressible sub-, trans-, and supersonic flows. AIAA Journal 38 (2) , pp. 225-233.
Yamaleev, N. and Ballmann, J. (1998). Space-marching method for calculating steady supersonic flows on a grid adapted to the solution. Journal of Computational Physics 146 (1) , pp. 436-463.
Yamaleev, N. (1997). Marching method for solving the steady Euler equations on adaptive grids. Mathematical Modeling 9 (10) , pp. 83-97.
Utyuzhnikov, S. and Yamaleev, N. (1996). Three-dimensional supersonic turbulent flow near a body at small angles of attack. High Temperature 34 (4) , pp. 562-567.
Nabiev, V. N., Utyuzhnikov, S. and Yamaleev, N. (1995). The motion of a body through a large-scale inhomogeneity in a stratified atmosphere. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 59 (3) , pp. 409-414.
Nabiev, V. N., Utyuzhnikov, S. and Yamaleev, N. (1994). Efficient numerical method for calculating the ballistic trajectory of an axisymmetric body flying at supersonic speed in a stratified atmosphere. Physics Doklady 39 (5) , pp. 398-401.
Tirskii, G., Utyuzhnikov, S. and Yamaleev, N. K.. (1994). Efficient numerical method for simulation of supersonic viscous flow past a blunted body at a small angle of attack. Computers & Fluids 23 (1) , pp. 103-114.
Muzafarov, I., Tirskii, G., Utyuzhnikov, S. and Yamaleev, N. K.. (1994). Numerical simulation of the flow over a body flying through a thermal in a stratified atmosphere. Computers & Fluids 23 (2) , pp. 295-304.
Tirskii, G., Utyuzhnikov, S. and Yamaleev, N. K.. (1992). Application of a small-parameter method to computing 3-D external viscous gas flows. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 56 (6) , pp. 929-938.
Utyuzhnikov, S. and Yamaleev, N. K.. (1992). Method of global iterations for solving the 3-D viscous shock layer equations in the plane of symmetry of an axisymmetric body. Mathematical Modeling 4 (10) , pp. 88-100.
Muzafarov, I., Tirskii, G., Utyuzhnikov, S. and Yamaleev, N. K.. (1992). Numerical modeling of the viscous flow around a body flying through a cloud of hot gas. Mathematical Modeling 4 (9) , pp. 55-68.

Book Chapters

Yamaleev, N. (2014). Reduced-order modeling of synthetic jets Synthetic jets: Fundamentals and Applications.
Carpenter, M. H., Fisher, T. and Yamaleev, N. (2013). Boundary Closures for Sixth-Order Energy Stable Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory Finite 鈥揇ifference Schemes Advances in Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling and Computational Science (pp. 117-160).

Conference Proceeding

Yamaleev, N. and Upperman, J. (2022). Positivity-preserving Entropy Stable Spectral Collocation Schemes of Arbitrary Order of Accuracy for the 3-D. Navier-Stokes equations 11-th International Concerence on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD11).
Upperman, J. and Yamaleev, N. (2018). High-order nonlinearly stable artificial dissipation spectral collocation operators for the 1-D unsteady Navier-Stokes equations Proc. of the VSGC Research Conf.
Jones, M. and Yamaleev, N. (2013). Adjoint-based shape and kinematics optimization of flapping wing propulsive efficiency San Diego, CA: Proc. 43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference.
Martin, J. and Yamaleev, N. (2012). Adjoint-based optimization of the flapping wing performance Big Island, HI: Proc. of the 7th Inter. Conf. on CFD (ICCFD).
Jones, M. and Yamaleev, N. (2012). The effect of a gust on the flapping wing performance Nashville, TN: 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting.
Pathak, K. and Yamaleev, N. (2011). POD-based reduced-order model for arbitrary Mach number flows Proc. of 6th Theoretical Fluid Mechanics AIAA Conference.
Diskin, B. and Yamaleev, N. (2011). Grid adaptation using adjoint-based error minimization Proc. 20th Computational Fluid Dynamics AIAA Conference.
Yamaleev, N., Diskin, B. and Pathak, K. (2010). Adjoint-based methodology for anisotropic grid adaptation Proc. of the 6th Inter. Conf. on CFD (ICCFD).
Fisher, T., Carpenter, M. and Yamaleev, N. (2010). Boundary closures for 4th-order Energy Stable WENO finite difference schemes Proc. of AIAA 40th Fluid Dynamics Conference.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. (2010). Energy stable WENO schemes of arbitrary order Proc. of the 6th Inter. Conf. on CFD (ICCFD).
Yamaleev, N., Diskin, B. and Pathak, K. (2010). Error minimization via adjoint-based anisotropic grid adaptation Chicago, IL: Proc. of 40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference.
Nielsen, E., Diskin, B. and Yamaleev, N. (2009). Discrete adjoint-based design optimization of unsteady turbulent flows on dynamic unstructured grids Proc. 19th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. (2009). High-order energy stable WENO schemes 47th AIAA Aerospace Meeting.
Yamaleev, N., Diskin, B. and Nielsen, E. (2009). Local-in-time adjoint-based method for design optimization of unsteady compressible flows 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
Yamaleev, N., Diskin, B. and Nielsen, E. (2008). Adjoint-based methodology for time-dependent optimization Proc. of the 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. (2008). Third-order energy stable WENO scheme Proc. of the 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
Yamaleev, N. and Mohan, R. (2005). A model for the two-phase flow through a dual-scale porous medium in liquid composite molding Proc. of 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. (2005). A quasi-1-D model for arbitrary 3-D synthetic jet actuators Proc. of 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit.
Yamaleev, N. and Mohan, R. (2004). A model for intra-tow flow behavior and void formation during resin infusion in liquid composite molding Proc. of 11th Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-11).
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. (2004). A reduced-order model for zero-mass synthetic jet actuators Proc. of NASA LaRC Workshop on CFD Validation of Synthetic Jets and Turbulent Separation Control.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. (2003). Resonance characteristics of synthetic jet actuators Proc. of the Inter. Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences (ICCES).
Yamaleev, N. (2003). A reduced order model of synthetic jet actuators Albuquerque, NM: 7th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics.
Carpenter, M., Singer, B., Yamaleev, N., Vatsa, V. and Atkins, H. (2002). The current status of unsteady CFD approaches for aerodynamic flow control AIAA Paper 2002-3346.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. (2002). Moving mesh method for efficient simulation of synthetic jet actuators Toronto: IMACS Workshop on Adaptive Methods for PDE.
Yamaleev, N. and Carpenter, M. (2001). Insight into the accuracy of adaptive grid methods for captured shocks Vancouver: Proc. of the Intern. Confer. on Scientific Computing and Differential Equations.


Yamaleev, N. and Upperman, J. (July 11, 2022). Positivity-preserving Entropy Stable Spectral Collocation Schemes of Arbitrary Order of Accuracy for the 3-D. Navier-Stokes equations Oral Presentation International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD 11) Maui, HI, USA.
Yamaleev, N. and Upperman, J. (July 12, 2021). High-order positivity-preserving entropy stable spectral collocation schemes for the Navier-Stokes equations Oral Presentation International Conference on Spectral and High-Order Methods (ICOSAHOM) Vienna, Austria.
Yamaleev, N. (February , 2019). Oral Presentation SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19), Spokane, WA.
Yamaleev, N. (July , 2018). Oral Presentation International Conference on Spectral and High-Order Methods (ICOSAHOM) London, UK.
Yamaleev, N. (March , 2018). Lecture ERC CFD seminar Edwards, CA.
Yamaleev, N. (December , 2017). Oral Presentation SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (PD17) Baltimore, MD.
Yamaleev, N. (August , 2016). Oral Presentation Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (CMAM-7) Jyv盲skyl盲, Finland.
(March , 2016). Oral Presentation Richard F. Barry Jr. Seminar, Dept. Math. & Statistics .
Yamaleev, N. (July , 2014). Oral Presentation International Conference on Spectral and High-Order Methods (ICOSAHOM) Salt Lake City, UT.
Yamaleev, N. (May , 2014). Oral Presentation NASA CAS annual review meeting Greensboro, NC.
Yamaleev, N. (June , 2013). Oral Presentation 43th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference San Diego, CA.
Yamaleev, N. (June , 2013). Oral Presentation NIA CFD seminar Hampton, VA.
Yamaleev, N. (March , 2013). Oral Presentation 36th SIAM-SEAS Conference Knoxville, TN.
Yamaleev, N. (March , 2013). Oral Presentation NASA CAS annual review meeting Cleveland, OH.
Yamaleev, N. (July , 2012). Oral Presentation 7th International Conference on CFD Island of Hawaii, HI.
Yamaleev, N. (March , 2012). Oral Presentation ARL MAST CTA annual review meeting Joppa, MD.
Yamaleev, N. (February , 2012). Oral Presentation NIA CFD seminar .
Yamaleev, N. (January , 2012). Oral Presentation 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences meeting Nashville, TN.
  • 1999: National Research Council Senior Research Associateship Award, National Research Council
  • 1997: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Humboldt Foundation
  • 1996: Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences Research Fellowship, Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences
  • 1995: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Research Fellowship, DAAD