Ph.D. in Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, (2014)
M.S. in Mathematics, University of Bucharest, (2007)
B.S. in Mathematics, University of Bucharest, (2005)
Research Interests
nonparametric statistics: rank-based testing procedures, longitudinal data, factorial designs; almost sure central limit theory; mathematical statistics
- Tabacu, L. M. (2018). Weak convergence of the linear rank statistics under strong mixing conditions. Statistics & Probability Letters 132 , pp. 28-34.
- Denker, M. and Tabacu, L. M. (2014). Logarithmic Quantile Estimation for Rank Statistics. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 9 (1) , pp. 146-170.
- Tabacu, L. M. (July , 2016). Recent advances and innovative applications of nonparametric and multivariate methods, Oral Presentation International Statistics Festival Salzburg, Austria .
- Tabacu, L. M. (April , 2016). Poster Workshop for Women in Math Sciences North Carolina .
- Tabacu, L. M. (August , 2015). Logarithmic quantile estimation for rank statistics Poster 17th Meeting of New Researchers in Statistics and Probability Seattle .
- Tabacu, L. M. (July , 2015). Logarithmic quantile estimation for rank statistics Oral Presentation European Meeting of Statisticians 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands .
- Tabacu, L. M. (April , 2015). Logarithmic quantile estimation and its applications to nonparametric factorial designs Poster International Conference on Robust Rank-Based and Nonparametric Methods Kalamazoo, MI .
- Tabacu, L. M. (October , 2013). An almost sure central limit theorem for rank ststistics Paper AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting Louisville, KY.
- Tabacu, L. M. (August , 2013). Logarithmic quantile estimation for rank statistics Paper Section on Nonparametric Rank-Based Methods Montreal, Canada .
- Tabacu, L. M. (August , 2013). Testing longitudinal data by logarithmic quantile Poster SAMSI, NC.
- Tabacu, L. M. (April , 2013). Almost sure central limit theorems Lecture Pennsylvania State.
- 2016: Travel Award, SAMSI
- 2015: (Euro 350), European Meeting of Statisticians
- 2015: Travel Award, University of Washington,
- 2015: Travel Award, ENAR
- 2013: Graduate Student Travel, AMS Sectional Meeting
- 2013: William Harkness Grad Student Travel Award, JSW Montreal Dept.of Statistics
- 2012: William Harkness Grad. Teaching Award, Pennsylvania State University
- 2001: University of Bucharest,