Associate Professor
Department of Art

Jared Benton

NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in History of Art and Architecture, University of Virginia, (2014)

M.A. in Classics, The University of Arizona, (2005)

B.A. in Classics, University of Colorado, (2002)

Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research

Benton, J. T. " LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY FOUNDATION" $13,900. Higher Education. July 2024 - July 2025
Benton, J. T. "Rust Archaeology Fieldwork Grant" $6,700. Private. May 10, 2024 - July 15, 2024


Benton, J. T. (2024). Punitive labor and enslavement in the Roman bakery Authors. World Archaeology , pp. 1-13.
Schirmer, C., Walthall, D., Souza, R. and Benton, J. T. (2021). Preliminary Report on the 2018 Field Season of the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP). FASTI FOLD&R 500.
Benton, J. T. (2021). The Bakeries of Volubilis: Process, Space, and Interconnectivity. Mouseion 17 (2) , pp. 241-272.
Derek, W., Orlandini, O., Benton, J. T., Schirmer, C., Lobue, L. and Culotta, S. (2021). Provenancing the Stone Tools of Volubilis, Morocco: A Socio-Economic Interpretation of Stonework Lithologies. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38 (August) (103105).
Tharler, A., Walthall, D., Wueste, E., Schirmer, C., Crowther, B., Benton, J. T., Souza, R. and Huemoeller, K. (2020). Preliminary Report on the 2017 Field Season of the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP). FASTI FOLD&R 487.
Souza, R., Walthall, D. and Benton, J. T. (2019). Preliminary Report on the 2016 Field Season of the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP). FASTI FOLD&R (450).
Walthall, D., Souza, R. and Benton, J. T. (2018). Preliminary Report on the 2015 Field Season of the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP). FASTI FOLD&R 408.
Walthall, D., Souza, R., Benton, J. T. and Huemoeller, J. (2016). Preliminary Report on the 2014 Field Season of the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP). FOLD&R (364).
Benton, J. T., Gorham, B., Huemoeller, J., Lieberman, L., Massey, D., Souza, R. and Walthall, A. (2015). Relazione sul recente lavoro a Morgantina: The Contrada Agnese Project (2013-2014). Atti del convegno nazionale ‘la geoarcheologia come chiave di lettura per uno sviluppo sostenibile del territorio’.
Walthall, A., Souza, R., Benton, J. T. and Huemoeller, J. (2014). Preliminary Report on the 2013 Field Season of the American Excavations at Morgantina: Contrada Agnese Project (CAP). FOLD&R (322).


Benton, J. T. (2020). The Bread Makers: The Social and Professional Lives of Bakers in the Western Roman Empire. . Palgrave MacMillan.

Book Chapters

Benton, J. T. (2022). pistore panem petimus: Vertical Specialization in the Late-Antique Baking Industry A Quaint and Curious Volume: Essays in Honor of John J. Dobbins (pp. 117-135) Summertown:.
Benton, J. T. (2020). The Social Construction of Roman Industrial Space: The Limits of Chaînes and the Nature of Roman Baking Designating place: archaeological perspectives on built environments in Ostia and Pompeii (pp. 153-167) Leiden: Leiden University Press.

Conference Proceeding

(2023). Economies of Scale: Late-Antique Bakeries outside Large Urban Centers. Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018 (pp. 635-648) Heidelberg: Propylaeum.
  • 2021: Steinmetz Grant for Archaeological Fieldwork, Archaeological Institute of America
  • 2020: Donald Atkinson Grant for Archaeological Fieldwork, Roman Society of London